Connect with your audience wherever and whenever they are.

Leverage a robust infrastructure designed for global reach with a focus on security. Enhance viewer engagement with seamless video experiences and optimize content management through an intuitive interface. Deliver diverse media to a worldwide audience, ensuring superior quality and maximizing SEO potential for your media company.

DRM & Security

Utilize enterprise-grade digital rights management (DRM) endorsed by leading studios across the industry.

CDNs & Global Delivery

Efficiently distribute high-definition streams across all platforms, minimizing traffic expenses for live, linear, and on-demand content.


A scalable architecture is compatible with various media formats.

Rights Management & Security

WAF (Web application firewall): Filters, monitors, and blocks HTTP traffic to and from a web service
DRM Encryption: We ensure your content is secure and use digital rights management (DRM) protection that’s approved by all major studios
DDoS: Stop cyber-attacks based on flooding, redirecting and, analyzing the traffic.

CDNs & Global Deliver

  • Origin & CDN Distribution: Instant, worldwide delivery of high-quality video streams
  • DRM Encryption: On-the-fly image adaptation for optimal responsiveness in any device type or display resolution
  • Geo-Restriction: Limit content access by geographic location

Bundle any Adaptive Bitrate (ABR) format and safeguard your assets.

Leverage a robust infrastructure designed for global accessibility prioritizing security. Enhance viewer engagement, manage content seamlessly, and deliver diverse media to your global audience with unparalleled quality and security.

Transform and package your content on-demand into adaptive streaming formats like HLS, DASH, and MSS.
Achieve low latency, even with older clients (MSS) and Smart TVs, thanks to our optimized system design.
Deploy on Premises or the Cloud (Private, Public, Hybrid).
Ensure maximum client compatibility by supporting a comprehensive range of variations for each format.
Pre-integrated with all leading DRM systems
Deliver cutting-edge 4K and UHD content with sub-second latency streaming capabilities.

Need a plan? Lets Chat.

Want to get started or find out more about Media Master OTT-TV services? Get in touch to let us know what you’re looking for or directly request a demo below.